Thursday, December 9

Nothing Wrong With The Party

Thanks to everyone that helped with the recount. Senator Kerry,, the DNC, Democracy for America, and many individual donors helped pay to ensure that every vote for governor is counted here in Washington State.

Yet no matter how the recount goes, many Democrats are wondering where the party goes from here. We did pretty well here in Washington, keeping our House and Senate seats and winning back the state legislature. It was a good showing, but it's hard not to notice the siege mentality that seems to be springing up in the ranks.

There are as many ideas about where the party needs to go, and what it needs to fix as there are people to voice them. After reading through a lot of soul-searching and navel-gazing (and writing some) about The Direction, it was a pleasure today to read this:
There is a Party of fiscal responsibility... economic responsibility.... social responsibility... civic responsibility... personal responsibility... and moral responsibility.

It's the Democratic Party. ...

That's the stuff. Click over for more.


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Hola fellow blogger was just blogging and saw your blog and thought it was nice so I should drop in and say Hola fellow blogger. Anyways I would be interested in exchanging links if you are up for it.

8:46 PM  

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